
Some Input from James Clear, Author of “Atomic Habits”


Counseling for Grief

I’ve provided counseling for grief issues many times in my career as a therapist.  Typical grief is related to someone we care about passing away.  But there are other types of grief that people have to deal with as well.  This could be considered more of a loss than a death.  This could be due […]


You Might Have ADHD Video (funny)


What is Solution Focused Counseling?

Solution Focused Counseling, also known as Solution Focused Brief Therapy, is a form of cognitive therapy.  The focus is on helping you figure out what positive changes you want to make in your life that will lead to better functioning, success, better relationships, and  better health.  Unlike many other forms of counseling, it does not […]


Pre-Irritation Syndrome

Okay, this is just a word I came up with, but it still fits.  It’s when you spend time a lot of time being irritated at your partner based on past encounters so that whenever they try to talk to you, you automatically assume they’re going to annoy you.  When this happens, it makes getting […]


How to Stop Bullying


What are your ideas? I’m thinking Tornado Brain.


Make a Hard Decision Using Evens and Odds

Quite often, people come into my counseling office struggling to make a hard decision. This could be whether to keep their current job or take a risk on another job. It is sometimes about whether to stay married or get divorced. These are really tough decisions to make and entail a great deal of struggle […]

Good habits Uncategorized

How To Improve Yourself

Many people feel hopeless or helpless when thinking about where they are in life.  For some people,  it seems like they fell into a rut they can’t get out of.  They may be still living with their parents and have a low paying job working what they consider menial labor.  If this is you, you […]

counseling for employee Uncategorized

Counseling For An Employee?

Are you considering suggesting counseling for an employee? When you see friends and family struggling with life stress,  you may feel comfortable suggesting they try counseling. But what about when you’re a manager or business owner and you see one of your employees struggling?  With employees, you may not see the actual personal things they […]