communication Marriage Counseling Mental Health Relationships

What Does Kindness Mean Anyway?

I recently came across a sign someone put in their yard that said, “KINDNESS ALWAYS”.  At first I didn’t think much of it, but then I began pondering what the person who bought it might mean by it.  Then I considered what it means to me to “be kind”. I suspect most people think “kindness […]

anxiety building self-esteem communication counseling for employee

How to Say “No” When You Need To.

I’ve counseled a number of newer clients lately who are getting overwhelmed at home and work because they don’t know how to say “no” very easily.  It’s usually people who are high on the Agreeableness personality trait that have the hardest time saying no.  In other words they say “Yes” when they need to say […]

communication Marriage Counseling Relationships

I have to Work With This Person

When I work with couples, I often ask them how they would deal with the same situation they are having with their spouse if it was a coworker instead.  We have a tendency to be more kind, patient and diplomatic when addressing problems with our coworkers.  We tend to think, “I have to work with […]


Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: Communication

I’ve been watching some of the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard court situation.  It’s interesting to listen to some of the recordings being provided, which they have both apparently provided.   As I listen to these recordings, my impression is Amber shifts her statements and fails to stay on topic. She adjusts what she is […]

communication Marriage Counseling

Why I Tell Couples to Start Arguments

Quite often in my counseling practice, I tell my clients to do something that sounds counterintuitive.  I tell couples to start arguments.  However, I tell them to start an argument over something fun, such as which ice cream flavor is best.  I have them do these practice arguments using strategies we discuss in marriage counseling.  […]

communication counseling for men Marriage Counseling Relationships

5 Things To Stop Doing to Your Husband:

I often provide counseling for men and women individually. I get to hear a lot of their concerns and complaints about what happens when their relationships go sour. Both sexes seem to have their own set of grievances. And in my counseling for men, there are some things that come up quite frequently. Here are […]


Communication: Understanding vs. Agreement

I work with many couples in my Grand Rapids counseling practice.  One of the big issues that comes up is communication.  You’ve probably heard this before but we all have a tendency to talk over each other and not really listen.  Instead, we’re waiting for them to stop talking so we can say what we […]

building self-esteem communication Individual Counseling Parenting Relationships

Getting Respect From Others

Getting Respect from others is something everybody strives for.  We want to be respected for what we bring to the table. Or we at least want to be treated with respect and courtesy.  You have to give in order to receive, but what do you do if you don’t get respect in return. People Engage […]

building self-esteem communication Individual Counseling Teenagers Uncategorized

Counseling for Anxiety Using SFBT

Counseling for Anxiety is one of the main things that therapists provide. So the good news is that if you have anxiety, you’re in good company. There are many different strategies that help with anxiety. Below, I will discuss one of the strategies. Anxiety as a Mental Construct Anxiety often comes about because of our […]

communication Marriage Counseling Relationships Uncategorized

Communication In Marriage: Remind Them to do What They Promised

Communication in marriage is a keystone necessity. Good communication with your spouse is an essential tool for staying connected and resolving problems so they don’t take over your marriage. I was meeting with a couple today for marriage counseling and they told me a story that I thought had an amazingly good strategy. They gave […]