Mental Health Parenting Teenagers

How Parents Can Deal with Their Teenager’s Anger

Raising a teenager can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. One of the common hurdles parents face is dealing with their teenager’s anger. Adolescence is a time of significant change and development, which can often result in intense emotions. Here are some effective strategies parents can use to help manage and understand their teenager’s anger. […]

anxiety building self-esteem depression Good habits Mental Health mental healtj

Effort Matters in Mental Health

Putting in effort matters in your mental health. Whether you have anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, or something else. To feel good about yourself, about who you are, or where you are going, put in real effort. I counsel people who are dissatisfied their jobs, social situation, relationships, or maybe their body or personalities. […]

Good habits

People Change Best By Feeling Good, Not Bad

I counsel  lots of people who are trying to get other people to behave differently. This may be a parent who is trying to get their kids to behave better or do their chores.  It may be someone who is trying to get their spouse to treat them more with more respect.  It may also […]

counseling for men Good habits

One Reason Therapy Fails

More often than I like to think about, counseling fails to help people. I have a few clients who come to counseling week after week, we talk about how to improve their lives, they agree heartily with the suggestions I make, then come back and nothing has changed. Did you try the suggestions when you […]

building self-esteem Identity

How to Change Your Identity

In solution focused counseling, we usually start with a deceptively simple question, “ What do you want to see change as a result of counseling?”  In a big sense, we’re really asking, “how do you want to change your identity?”  Or put another way, how do you want to change how you view yourself so […]

Good habits Uncategorized

How To Improve Yourself

Many people feel hopeless or helpless when thinking about where they are in life.  For some people,  it seems like they fell into a rut they can’t get out of.  They may be still living with their parents and have a low paying job working what they consider menial labor.  If this is you, you […]

building self-esteem communication Individual Counseling Parenting Relationships

Getting Respect From Others

Getting Respect from others is something everybody strives for.  We want to be respected for what we bring to the table. Or we at least want to be treated with respect and courtesy.  You have to give in order to receive, but what do you do if you don’t get respect in return. People Engage […]