anxiety building self-esteem depression Good habits Mental Health mental healtj

Effort Matters in Mental Health

Putting in effort matters in your mental health. Whether you have anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, or something else. To feel good about yourself, about who you are, or where you are going, put in real effort. I counsel people who are dissatisfied their jobs, social situation, relationships, or maybe their body or personalities. […]

building self-esteem Good habits

Trick Your Brain Into Doing the Hard Stuff

Many of my clients, especially the younger ones get frustrated because they have things they want to accomplish, but they have trouble getting themselves to start.  They want to exercise more, but can’t get themselves to the gym.  They want to study more but can’t get themselves to open their books.  They want to socialize […]

counseling for men Good habits

One Reason Therapy Fails

More often than I like to think about, counseling fails to help people. I have a few clients who come to counseling week after week, we talk about how to improve their lives, they agree heartily with the suggestions I make, then come back and nothing has changed. Did you try the suggestions when you […]

Good habits

Build Good Habits with Decisive Moments

This time of year, many of us are trying to establish new healthy habits through New Year’s resolutions. One great way to do this is through “Decisive Moments”. We tend to focus on the activity that gets us the results we want, such as going to the gym three days a week. What is more […]

Good habits

Change One Word to Change Your Motivation

We all struggle with getting motivated to do things we need to do but don’t really want to do. We say things like “I have to go to work”. I have to clean the house”, “I have to do my homework”. This takes something that is a necessary task and makes it somewhat more difficult […]

building self-esteem Good habits Individual Counseling

Start a New Habit by Changing Your Environment

Many of us try to start a new habit for New’s Year’s resolutions. We resolve to exercise more, eat right, lose weight, and so on. Right about now is when most people abandon them. I’m probably one of the only successful people who have kept their resolution for years. About 25 years ago I made […]

building self-esteem Good habits Individual Counseling social anxiety

Big Changes Start Small: The Scaling Question

Big changes start small. This is what I learned from behavioral theory. There is a lot of overlap between effective behavioral change and Solution Focused Brief Therapy.  Steve deShazer, co-creator of SFBT said he doesn’t know why SFBT works, he just knows it does.  After studying work about behaviorism and developing habits, I put together […]

Good habits

Bad Habits that Hold You Back

One of the things I do in my counseling practice is help people figure out what positive changes they want to make in their lives.  In doing this, we figure out what exactly it is that you want to be doing differently, and why.  When we do this, we come up with ways to help […]

Good habits Uncategorized

How To Improve Yourself

Many people feel hopeless or helpless when thinking about where they are in life.  For some people,  it seems like they fell into a rut they can’t get out of.  They may be still living with their parents and have a low paying job working what they consider menial labor.  If this is you, you […]